
发布时间:2021-04-24 12:49:11 作者:办公室 阅读量:1482



China International Ocean Photography Association

Member of Guangxi Branch

Photography Exhibition


《苗家小妹》  摄影:黄克南

"Miao's younger sister" by Huang Kenan

《写生》  摄影:高艳

Sketching from life   Photographer: Gao Yan

《暑假》  摄影:蒋毅

Summer vacation: Jiang Yi

《白娘子》  摄影:梁晓光

The white lady: Liang Xiaoguang

《赏樱季》  摄影:黄克南

"Cherry blossom season" Photography: Huang Kenan

《秋日》 摄影:高艳

"Autumn" Photography: Gao Yan 

《棋逢对手》 摄影:黄克南

"Every opponent in chess" Photography: Huang Kenan 

《瑶族老人》 摄影:蒋毅

"Old Yao Nationality" Photography: Jiang Yi 

《台前幕后》  摄影:吴国胜

"Behind the Stage" Photography: Wu Guosheng 

《热泉》  摄影:赵志军

"Hot Spring" Photography: Zhao Zhijun 

《艺术的农业》  摄影:刘策

"Art of Agriculture" Photography: Liu Ce 

《黄石公园》  摄影:赵志军

Photo of Huangshi Park: Zhao Zhijun

《颐和园秋色》  摄影:刘桥成

Autumn in the Summer Palace: Liu Qiaocheng

《红水河上马蹄湾》  摄影:何利顺

"Horseshoe Bay on the Red River" Photography: he Lishun

《黄石公园老忠实泉》  摄影:赵志军

Photo of old faithful spring in Huangshi Park: Zhao Zhijun

《踏着夕阳归去》  摄影:刘策

"Returning on the Sunset" Photography: Liu Ce

《北仑河口航拍红树林》组照  摄影:刘镜法

Group photo of Mangrove in Beilun estuary: Liu Jingfa

《绿色能源在高山》  摄影:何利顺

"Green energy in the mountains" Photography: he Lishun

《万丈光芒》  摄影:吴国胜

Wu Guosheng: a photographer of "the light of ten thousand feet"

《鸥歌晨曲》  摄影:秦开

The morning song of Gull: Qin Kai

《金光穿洞》  摄影:刘桥成

"Golden Light Through Hole" Photography: Liu Qiaocheng 

《南湖夜色》组照— 摄影:宁家城

The night of South Lake group photo: ningjiacheng

《金漠翠湖》  摄影:秦开

The golden desert Lake: Qin Kai

《静谧唯美》  摄影:蒋毅

"Quiet and Beautiful" Photo: Jiang Yi 

《南湖夜色》组照二 摄影:宁家城

"Night of South Lake" group photo 2: ningjiacheng

《出早工》 摄影:蒋毅

"Early Work" Photography: Jiang Yi 

《南湖夜色》组照三 摄影:宁家城

The third group photo of "Night in the South Lake" Photography: Ningjiacheng 

《琴悦胡杨》  摄影:秦开

"Qin Yue Populus" Photography: Qin Kai 

《南湖夜色》组照四 摄影:宁家城

Group photo 4 of "Night in the South Lake" Photography: Ningjiacheng 

《赶坡会》  摄影:吴国胜

Wu Guosheng, photographer of the meeting to catch up with the slope

《程阳古桥雄姿》  摄影:何利顺

"The Majesty of Chengyang Ancient Bridge" Photography: He Lishun 

《南湖夜色》组照五 摄影:宁家城

"Night in the South Lake" group photo 5 Photo: Ningjiacheng 

《北京北海公园秋色满园》  摄影:刘桥成

"Beijing Beihai Park is full of autumn colors" Photo: Liu Qiaocheng 

《南湖夜色》组照六 摄影:宁家城

Group photo 6 of "Night in the South Lake" Photography: Ningjiacheng 

《俯瞰那安湖春色》  摄影:许苏皖

"Overlooking the spring scenery of Naan Lake" by Xu Su Wan

《鸟的世界》组照  摄影:陈默

Group photo of "Bird's World" Photography: Chen Mo 

《反嘴鷸》  摄影:陈默

"Anti-mouthed Sandpiper" Photography: Chen Mo 

《豆雁》  摄影:陈默

"Bean Goose" Photography: Chen Mo 

《雁南飞》  摄影:陈默

"Wild geese flying south" Photography: Chen Mo

《天鹅》  摄影:陈默

"Swan" Photography: Chen Mo 

《白枕鹤》  摄影:陈默

"White-naped Crane" Photography: Chen Mo 

《东方白鹳》  摄影:陈默

"The Oriental White Stork" Photography: Chen Mo 

《迎着太阳飞翔》  摄影:陈默

"Flying in the Sun" Photography: Chen Mo 

《灰鹤》  摄影:陈默

"Gray Crane" Photography: Chen Mo 

《落霞》  摄影:陈默

"Sunset" Photography: Chen Mo 

《馀晖》 摄影:黄克南

"Afterglow" Photography: Huang Kenan 


Thank you for watching, and I wish you a happy new year, all the best, all your wishes come true, and the Year of the Ox! 

黄克南  供稿

Huang Kenan Writing and Photography 

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