
发布时间:2021-04-24 19:08:05 作者:办公室 阅读量:1229

China International Ocean Photography Association

Brief Introduction 



       是联合国教科文组织承认的“国际摄影艺术联合会”(FIAP)的地方成员组织(ILFIAP),批准号(2193);是中国文化部批准的“丝路国家摄影组织国际联盟”(SRPOIA)成员 。 
      协会于 2009 年 10 月在北京正式揭牌成立。其前身是“中国海洋摄影协会”,2014 年更名为“中国国际海洋摄影协会”。 
      目前,协会已拥有国内外会员千余人,中外著名摄影家数十名,有 13 个分会,分别为北京、广东、广西、海南、香港、福建、陕西、迁安、河南、洛阳、山东、青岛、天津等,其中(山西、辽宁、内蒙等分会)正在筹建中。3 个中心,会展中心、文旅中心、影视中心,各类摄影基地近 20 处。协会以团结热爱海洋摄影人群为己任,以影展影赛影评和组织摄影活动与海洋意识教育为主要生存形态,将建设海洋强国意识通过摄影艺术作品和文化活动传递社会。


       The China International Marine Photography Association is a civil society organization under the charge of the Zheng He Marine Culture Branch of the China Pacific Society of the Ministry of Natural Resources. It is the only international photographic art organization with the theme of the ocean in China;

       It is a local member organization (ILFIAP) of the "International Federation of Photographic Art" (FIAP) recognized by UNESCO, approval number (2193); it is a member of the "International Alliance of Silk Road National Photographic Organizations" (SRPOIA) approved by the Ministry of Culture of China . 

      The association was officially inaugurated in October 2009 in Beijing. Its predecessor was "China Ocean Photography Association", and it was renamed "China International Ocean Photography Association" in 2014. 

      At present, the association has more than 1,000 domestic and foreign members, dozens of famous Chinese and foreign photographers, and 13 branches, namely Beijing, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hong Kong, Fujian, Shaanxi, Qian'an, Henan, Luoyang, Shandong, Qingdao, Tianjin, etc. (Shanxi, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and other branches) are under preparation. There are 3 centers, convention and exhibition center, cultural tourism center, film and television center, and nearly 20 various photography bases. The association takes uniting people who love ocean photography as its mission, takes film festivals, film competitions, and organizes photography activities and maritime awareness education as its main survival form, and transmits the consciousness of building a maritime power to society through photographic art works and cultural activities.

       In the past few years, while continuously improving the photographic level of its members, the association has also provided diversified services to Chinese government agencies, enterprises and cities and towns. It has also cooperated with some foreign institutions to carry out cultural promotion and art promotion activities, and has been praised by all sectors of society. 


China International Ocean Photography Association-Office

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