
发布时间:2021-04-25 13:07:07 作者:办公室 阅读量:656

The nineteenth
China Century Collection

Summary and Commendation Conference officially launched 


       2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. Overcoming obstacles in 70 years, 70 years of ups and downs. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the China Century Grand Collection, which has gone through 18 years of glory, responded to the call of the central leaders to "develop the collection in depth and lastingly" and inspire the masses of journalists, culture and art workers. In-depth interviews, the excellent works created by the masses of news, culture and art workers and those who have made outstanding contributions to the builders of the Republic are promoted to the whole country and to the world. The 19th China Century Grand Ceremony will be officially launched today. Collect outstanding works and deeds of model figures from all over the country for commendation, set an example for the great development and prosperity of the motherland’s culture, promote it to the whole country, and promote the rapid development of cultural economy. 

      中国世纪大采风活动是于2000年初,在中央领导同志的支持下,由中宣部和文化部指导,时任文化部常务副部长、中国文联党组书记高占祥同志及首都百家媒体在北京人民大会堂正式发起的,至今已成功举办了十八届!推选出的先进典型、先进集体,遍布全国,覆盖各地。从地方到军队,从首都到省市,从东部到西部,全国56个民族均在采风建设之中。中国世纪大采风活动中涌现出了亿万人民群众喜爱的新中国成立后的第一代空军女飞行员、中央候补委员、广州军区空军副参谋长岳喜翠少将,农民科学家李登海,广州医学院第一附属医院研究所所长钟南山,河南省登封市公安局局长任长霞,中国第一代航天员、十七届中央候补委员航天英雄杨利伟,我国体坛名将邓亚萍,美国著名华商女作家张纯如,世界水稻杂交之父袁隆平,无名英雄冯家强,地球女儿赵鸿,国防大学教研部原主任,资深军事理论专家黄彬少将,协助侦破《湄公河大案》的国家功臣、原中国驻老挝大使馆陆海空军武官侯振山大校,贵州省委宣传部原副部长张一凡等,一大批无愧于祖国、无愧于时代的中华世纪风采人物。江泽民同志曾两次写信关心支持采风活动。 迟浩田、陈锡联、司马义·艾买提、雷洁琼、王光英、程思远、布赫、铁木尔·达瓦买提、阿不来提·阿不都热西提、罗豪才、何鲁丽、傅铁山、卢嘉锡、白立忱、周铁农、孙孚凌、张克辉、万国权、张思卿、王文元等多位国家领导人以及李来柱、李新良、李景、周坤仁、周克玉、王诚汉、王定烈、邵华泽、高占祥、田鹤年、刘吉、吉狄马加等分别出席过中国世纪大采风活动。并给予热情鼓励和嘉勉。文化部、广电总局、中国文联、中国作协、卫生部、农业部、林业局、环保总局、旅游局等部门对采风活动给予了积极参与和大力支持。活动内容已纳入教育部普通高中思想政治课本第五课文化创新(48页),为全国的高中生学习并运用。

      The China Century Collection was held in early 2000, with the support of leading comrades from the Central Committee, and under the guidance of the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Culture. Gao Zhanxiang, then Executive Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Party Secretary of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the capital’s hundred media at the People’s Congress The hall was officially launched, and it has been successfully held for 18 sessions so far! The selected advanced models and advanced collectives are spread all over the country, covering all regions. From the local to the military, from the capital to the provinces and cities, from the east to the west, 56 ethnic groups across the country are all under construction. The first generation of female air force pilots after the founding of New China, an alternate member of the Central Committee, and deputy chief of staff of the Guangzhou Military Region Air Force, Major General Yue Xicui, Farmer Scientist Li Denghai, and the First Affiliate of Guangzhou Medical College, emerged in China's century gathering activities. Zhong Nanshan, Director of the Hospital Research Institute, Ren Changxia, Director of the Public Security Bureau of Dengfeng City, Henan Province, Yang Liwei, the first-generation Chinese astronaut and alternate member of the 17th Central Committee of the People’s Republic of China; Father Yuan Longping, Unsung Hero Feng Jiaqiang, Earth Daughter Zhao Hong, Former Director of the Department of Education and Research of the National Defense University, Major General Huang Bin, a senior military theory expert, and Hou Zhen, the national hero who assisted in the investigation of the "Mekong River" and the former Army, Navy and Air Force attaché of the Chinese Embassy in Laos Shan University, Zhang Yifan, former deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, etc., are a large number of Chinese people of the century who are worthy of the motherland and the times. Comrade Jiang Zemin wrote two letters to show concern and support for gathering activities. Chi Haotian, Chen Xilian, Sima Yi Amati, Lei Jieqiong, Wang Guangying, Cheng Siyuan, Buhe, Timur Dawamat, Abulaiti Abdurexiti, Luo Haocai, He Luli, Fu Tieshan, Lu Jiaxi, Bai Lichen, Zhou Tienong, Sun Fuling, Zhang Kehui, Wan Guoquan, Zhang Siqing, Wang Wenyuan and many other national leaders, as well as Li Laizhu, Li Xinliang, Li Jing, Zhou Kunren, Zhou Keyu, Wang Chenghan, Wang Dinglie, Shao Huaze, Gao Zhanxiang, Tian Henian, Liu Ji , Ji Di Majia and others have attended the China Century Grand Collection respectively. And give enthusiasm and encouragement. The Ministry of Culture, State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Chinese Writers Association, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry Administration, State Environmental Protection Administration, Tourism Administration and other departments have actively participated in and strongly supported the collection activities. The content of the activity has been incorporated into the fifth lesson of cultural innovation (48 pages) in the ideological and political textbook of ordinary high schools of the Ministry of Education, and it is learned and used by high school students across the country. 


       The 19th China Century Grand Collection and Commendation Conference will be held from June 18th to 20th, 2019 in the studio hall of the China Central Radio and Television Station·Xingguang Film and Television Base in Beijing. The whole event will be broadcast live on the Internet. Relevant leaders will give enthusiastic support and cordial encouragement to advanced figures from all over the country who have made outstanding contributions in various industries to commend them in different positions and in different ways. They will express their sense of historical mission and social responsibility. They will be The vane of promoting the positive energy of the country is a pioneer in building a strong motherland, and their footprints will be a powerful testimony to the Chinese nation's march towards a new era.

        历届联合支持及主办单位:中华全国新闻工作者协会、中华全国农民报协会、中国文艺家俱乐部、中国电视艺术家协会、中国广播电视协会、中国诗歌学会、中国散文学会、中国报告文学学会、中国艺术摄影学会、中国企业家世纪论坛、中国民间文艺家协会、中国农业产业协会、中共中央党校理论研究中心 人民日报网络中心 新华出版社、中国城乡发展国际交流协会、中国新闻文化促进会、中华文化促进会。

       Previous joint support and sponsors: All-China Journalists Association, All-China Farmers News Association, China Literature and Art Club, China Television Artists Association, China Radio and Television Association, Chinese Poetry Society, Chinese Prose Society, Chinese Reportage Society, Chinese Art Photographic Society, China Entrepreneur Century Forum, China Folk Artists Association, China Agricultural Industry Association, CPC Central Party School Theory Research Center, People's Daily Network Center Xinhua Press, China Urban and Rural Development International Exchange Association, China News Culture Promotion Association, Chinese Culture Promotion meeting


荣誉顾问: 雷洁琼 王光英 铁木尔•达瓦买提

顾 问:

邵华泽 原《人民日报》社社长、中华全国新闻工作者协会主席

高占祥 全国政协常委、中华民族文化促进会主席

李    瑛 中国作家协会名誉副主席

王治国 全国工商联原副主席

邓友梅 中国作家协会名誉副主席

陈本昌 海外华人新文化运动主席(美国)

沈    鹏 中国书法家协会名誉主席

范    曾 南开大学东方艺术系教授、博士生导师

柏    杨 著名作家(台湾)

犁    青 国际华人诗人笔会执行主席、香港作家联会会长


迟浩田 中共中央政治局原委员,中央军委原副主席,国务委员兼国防部长;

白立忱 中共中央委员,十一届全国政协副主席;

阿不来提·阿不都热西提 中共中央委员,十一届全国政协副主席;

张怀西 十届全国政协副主席;

铁木尔·达瓦买提 第八届,第九届全国人大常委会副委员长;

布   赫 第八届,第九届全国人大常委会副委员长;

万国权 第八届,第九届全国政协副主席;

傅铁山 十届全国人大常委会副委员长;

邓力群 中共中央宣传部原部长;

邵华泽 人民日报原社长、中华全国新闻工作者协会主席;

郝盛琦 原中共中央顾问委员会副秘书长,中共中央书记处办公室负责人;

穆   青 新华社原社长;

贺敬之 文化部原副部长,中宣部原副部长;

高占祥 全国政协常委,文化部原常务副部长,中国文联党组书记;

李新良 中国人民解放军高级将领,上将军衔;

李来柱 北京军区原司令员,上将军衔;

王定烈 空军原副司令员;

高俊良 中共中央宣传部原副部长;

张   锲 中国文联原副主席,中国作家协会名誉副主席;

田鹤年 中央统战部原副部长;

刘   吉 中国国情调查研究中心主任;

杨伟光 中国文联副主席,中央电视台原台长;

冯骥才 中国文联副主席,中国民间文艺家协会主席;

谢   云 中国书法家协会原副秘书长;

王治国 全国工商联副主席;

沈   鹏 中国书法家协会名誉主席;

杨正泉 国务院新闻办副主任;

潘震宙 国家文化部原副部长;

路建平 新华社原副社长;

薛启亮 中共中央宣传部原办公厅主任;

范   曾 中国艺术研究院研究员,著名画家;

陶斯亮 中国市长协会专职副会长;

胡占凡 中央电视台台长;

刘生荣 最高人民检察院理论研究所副所长;

彭彰年 将军 中国海军学院原副院长;

孟昭澄 世界华侨华人社团联合总会副会长,中国人民解放军海军文化部,宣传部原副部长。

Advisory Committee of China Century Collection Activities

Honorary Advisor: Lei Jieqiong Wang Guangying Timur Dawamat


Shao Huaze, former president of "People's Daily" and chairman of the All-China Association of Journalists

Gao Zhanxiang Member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Chairman of the Chinese National Culture Promotion Association

Li Ying Honorary Vice Chairman of Chinese Writers Association

Wang Zhiguo, Former Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce

Deng Youmei Honorary Vice Chairman of Chinese Writers Association

Chen Benchang, Chairman of the Overseas Chinese New Culture Movement (United States)

Shen Peng Honorary Chairman of Chinese Calligraphers Association

Fan Zeng, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Oriental Art, Nankai University

Bai Yang, famous writer (Taiwan)

Li Qing, Executive Chairman of the International Chinese Poet PEN Association, Chairman of the Hong Kong Writers Association

The award-giving guests of the China Century Grand Collection

Chi Haotian Former member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, former vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, State Councilor and Minister of National Defense;

Bai Lichen, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, vice chairman of the 11th CPPCC National Committee;

Abulaiti Abdurexiti Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, vice chairman of the 11th CPPCC National Committee;

Zhang Huaixi, Vice Chairman of the Tenth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference;

Timur Dawamat, eighth, vice chairman of the ninth NPC Standing Committee;

Buhe Eighth, Vice Chairman of the Ninth National People's Congress Standing Committee;

Wan Guoquan Eighth, Vice Chairman of the Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference;

Fu Tieshan, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress;

Deng Liqun Former Minister of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee;

Shao Huaze, former president of the People's Daily and chairman of the All-China Association of Journalists;

Hao Shengqi, former deputy secretary-general of the Advisory Committee of the CPC Central Committee, head of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee;

Mu Qing Former President of Xinhua News Agency;

He Jingzhi Former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Culture, Former Deputy Minister of the Central Propaganda Department;

Gao Zhanxiang Member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, former Executive Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture, Secretary of the Party Group of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles

Li Xinliang, a senior general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the rank of general;

Li Laizhu Former commander and general of the Beijing Military Region;

Wang Dinglie, former deputy commander of the Air Force;

Gao Junliang Former Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China;

Zhang Qiang Former Vice Chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Honorary Vice Chairman of Chinese Writers Association;

Tian Henian, Former Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China;

Liu Ji Director of China National Investigation and Research Center;

Yang Weiguang, vice chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, former director of CCTV;

Feng Jicai, Vice Chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Chairman of China Folk Artists Association;

Xie Yun Former Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Calligraphers Association;

Wang Zhiguo, Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce;

Shen Peng Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association;

Yang Zhengquan, Deputy Director of the Information Office of the State Council;

Pan Zhenzhou, former deputy minister of the Ministry of Culture;

Lu Jianping, former vice president of Xinhua News Agency;

Xue Qiliang, former director of the General Office of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China;

Fan Zeng, researcher of the Chinese Academy of Art, famous painter;

Tao Siliang Full-time Vice President of China Association of Mayors;

Hu Zhanfan, Director of China Central Television;

Liu Shengrong, Deputy Director of Theoretical Research Institute of the Supreme People's Procuratorate;

General Peng Zhangnian Former Vice President of the Chinese Naval Academy;

Meng Zhaocheng, vice chairman of the World Federation of Overseas Chinese and Chinese Associations, former vice minister of the Propaganda Department of the Navy and Culture Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. 


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