强音鸣时代 新篇映文坛——报告文学《独领风骚》读后感

发布时间:2021-05-27 20:59:18 作者:办公室 阅读量:1317

In the era of strong voice   new articles reflect the literary world


——Reflections on the reportage "alone lead, coquettish"


深厚的感情  独特的视角  









“气”韵生动  乐古铸今  






笔墨随时代   丈夫发义声  



(作者系原海军宣传部副部长、中国国际海洋摄影协会  协会主席  孟昭澄) 

        Recently, I read the article "leading the way" published in "time report · Chinese Reportage" in May. I feel quite clear and bright. This is a reportage with the content of studying and commenting on Mao Zedong's poems. On the basis of a lot of research on Mao Zedong's poems, the author Zhang Chun wrote a new work "leading the way". It is of great practical significance for the magazine to publish this masterpiece at this time. The author is willing to recommend this good article to more readers. Because it has at least three highlights to share.

Deep feelings, unique perspective

       Mao Zedong, as a great man who is universally recognized and influences the modern history of the world, is not only in China but also all over the world; No matter when the old people were alive or a hundred years later, there were a lot of comments, praises, praises and reminiscences on Mao Zedong. Since the 1950s, there has not been a blank space with Mao Zedong as the theme of creation in all kinds of slogans, articles, poems, songs, music, dance, movies, television, fine arts, photography, sculpture, quyi, comedy and all kinds of folk arts, such as paper cutting, embroidery, sculpture, etc. The comments of foreign dignitaries and international celebrities on Mao Zedong are also listed in "leading the way". Mao Zedong's unparalleled prestige and historical status are determined by his achievements and meritorious service, courage and boldness, thought and theory, talent and talent, quality and integrity, style and art. Mao Zedong's poetry is a wonderful work. Therefore, there are numerous comments on Mao Zedong's poems. In Zhang Chun's mind, Mao Zedong's poems are like huge diamonds. It's hard to tell how many bright spots there are. In his appreciation and study, he could hardly restrain the surging emotion in his heart. In his opinion, the study of Mao Zedong's poetry only focuses on the source of CI Pai, historical background, diction, rhyme and so on. His deep love for Mao Zedong inspired him to keep exploring. He lifted the gauze curtain of his poems to explore the poet's inner motive force, his mind of controlling the world, his romantic and objective confidence and his talent of great talent. Zhang Chunzheng is full of the power of this love, to feel Mao Zedong, his voice and appearance, his charm, the flying of his calligraphy, especially the sonorous shock of Mao Zedong's poetry. He gradually realized a force that could not be tested by physical means. This kind of power is invisible, colorless and boundless, but it has unlimited connotation. It originates from traditional culture and runs through all directions. Zhang Chun finally discovered the existence of this kind of spiritual atomic bomb. He told the people around him with passion, and used his unique discovery to teach Party lessons, with excellent results. This encouraged Zhang Chun to constantly enrich, organize and perfect. A piece of "leading the way" came into being.

       Mr. Zhang Chun, the author of "leading the way", whose pen name is Ye Yu, is a Manchu from Chengde, Hebei Province, with a graduate degree and a cadre of the Ministry of public security. He has been a police officer for 37 years. He has successively served as the main leader in 4 systems and 5 posts, including grass-roots units, provincial departments and bureaus. He has successively won the second-class merit once and the third-class merit twice. He has won the titles of "excellent party worker" in China and "excellent party worker model" in central and state organs. He also enjoys the treatment of national model worker and provincial model worker.

       Comrade Zhang Chun has a wide range of hobbies and noble tastes. He likes calligraphy and photography. He is diligent in learning and good at thinking. For many years, he has been engaged as a visiting professor of the Party school directly under the Ministry of public security and a member of the Chinese Reportage society. He is often invited to give party lectures and inspirational speeches. His speeches are lively and inspiring, and are very popular. He has published hundreds of articles in people's daily, woodpecker, Bauhinia, public security research and other newspapers. He has successively published Hong Kong beyond 1997, China's anti smuggling and American immigration management, understanding the way of organs, Shidu Haojiang, etc The 30 most difficult mountains in life.

       It can be seen that Comrade Zhang Chun is not a scholar and professional writer. As an official, why is he leading the way? There are four reasons

       The first is the word "love". Having a deep love for the party, the motherland and the people, he must have profound feelings for his leader Mao Zedong.        This kind of love turns into powerful motive force, infuses the sincere emotion, can make a blockbuster.

       The second is the word "creation". The value of the article lies in the novelty. It is difficult to be innovative without innovative consciousness and pioneering spirit.

       The third is the word "Zuan". Mao Zedong's poems are related to the history of the party and the nation. They are magnificent and full of ups and downs. Only by assiduously studying and reading them, can they be well-established and well spoken.

       The fourth is "Na". Induction and refinement need high level and real skills. If you can't bring up the outline, it's easy to be confused. Zhang Chun summed up the ten temperament displayed in Mao Zedong's poems, which in the final analysis is called "Qi raising".

"Qi" rhyme vivid, music ancient cast today

       "Leading the way" shows the ten spiritual qualities of Mao Zedong's poems, the core of which is "Qi"“ "Qi" is no stranger to Chinese people, but not everyone can clearly explain the source, meaning, power and value of "Qi".

       "Leading the way" shows us the ten qualities of Mao Zedong's poems, that is, strength, ambition, vigor, uprightness, courage, atmosphere, spirit, heroism and talent. As a series, these ten temperament are magnificent and magnificent. The author not only takes each temperament as a chapter, but also gives the title with its name, connotation or function goal, such as "overwhelming courage", "majestic atmosphere" and so on. Besides, the author also gives a brief definition of "Qi" at the beginning of each chapter. Such as "confidence, refers to the basic confidence and strength, is a person's self-confidence, ability and work level."

       Zhang Chun shows the profound connotation of Mao Zedong's poetry and the glorious image of a generation of great men from a unique perspective, taking the top ten spiritual temperament as the outline. Taking "Qi" as the outline, it has clear levels, rigorous logic and ingenious conception. In each temperament, "Qi", as an artistic red line, refers to the background of poetry, the story of the party history, and the world of Mao Zedong's life experience. It is like a piece of jewelry inlaid with good reputation and crystal clear. It is natural, solemn, lively and romantic. In order to deepen the understanding of "Qi", the author compares with Professor Lu Shuyuan of Suzhou University: "in Chinese pre Qin philosophy," Qi "is the origin of all things. Lao Tzu said that all things are negative while holding Yang. Chong Qi is harmony. Qi produces all things. Born is not only all things in nature, but also human and human society. Chinese religion stresses "practice Qi and serve Qi", Chinese literary theory stresses "literature is based on Qi", and Chinese medicine stresses "Regulating Qi and calming the mind". Qi has universal permeability and runs through all Chinese behaviors and activities, from human physiological activities, psychological activities, social activities, belief activities to aesthetic activities; From human instinct behavior, production behavior, moral behavior, religious behavior to artistic behavior. " Professor Lu also pointed out: "as the main body of human life, Qi, spirit, viscera Qi, and Ying Wei Qi are about the influence of external Qi on human beings. The so-called" cultivating my noble Qi "is about the effect of the original internal Qi of spirit on human mind.".

       In 2013, the author was invited to write an article on calligraphy health preserving essence, Qi and spirit for Bauhinia magazine in Hong Kong. The essence of Chinese traditional culture is the concentrated generalization, expression and pursuit of the origin, essence and value of life by typical Chinese culture and philosophy. Among them, "essence" is hardware, carrier and foundation“ "Qi" is the inner core and motive force“ "God" is the external performance and style. The three are dialectical unity, from which we can see the important position and role of "Qi" as the core.

        To sum up, Zhang Chun's ten spiritual qualities of Mao Zedong's poems are vivid and accurate, enjoying both refined and popular tastes.

Pen and ink with the times

       Great times make great works; Great works serve great times. The rapid development of China has created a miracle in the world. While friends are jubilant, it will inevitably cause jealousy and panic of unfriendly people. Driven by the continuation of the cold war thinking, an all-round and three-dimensional "warm war" (I call it a mild war) against China is becoming more and more intense. Political, economic, military, cultural, and eighteen kinds of fists; Ferocious, cunning, partnership, underground take turns to fight. The only purpose is not to let you fly too high and develop too fast. It is clear that their usual "cultural attack" and "public knowledge", "forerunner" and "big V" who are in charge of making rumors, slandering the Communist Party of China, vilifying Mao Zedong, accusing the Chinese government, and digging up our spiritual corner are ambitious. This has to arouse our indignation and vigilance. In this war without gunpowder, the Chinese Communists and patriots are not silent, and the theorists and artists with a sense of national responsibility and mission will not sit by. It is the responsibility of every man to safeguard the national dignity and the core value system of our country. Comrade Zhang Chun is a soldier who defends the leader's image with the weapon of literature and art. To show the ten spiritual qualities of Mao Zedong's poems is to let the world, especially the young people, understand Mao Zedong, attach importance to Mao Zedong's poems, and learn from Mao Zedong's precious national integrity. As a diplomat said well, the enemy will never be allowed to use the means of "literary attack" to achieve what they can't get on the battlefield.

       We are also glad to see that "time report · Chinese Reportage" supports and publishes such good works as "leading the way". When the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation comes to the most critical moment, the Chinese people are united as one, united in struggle, and no one can stop us from marching forward.

(the author is Meng Zhaocheng, former Vice Minister of Navy Propaganda Department)


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